#Xerocracy = Anarchy by Design πŸ„πŸ‘ΎπŸš€


what do you mean when you say #blockchain?

Das sogenannte Dr. Birch(ermΓΌsli) Modell

Anarchy = Anarchy is the absence of domination. (do not mix it up with Anomie ;-)

Blockchain = Blockchain, or Distributed Ledger, means β€œnot controlled by a single or small group of entities” @sbmeunier

Blockchain is just to little Anarchy

Q102014.xyz | dissent.is/Xerocracy | AutarkieIndex.org

πŸ‘Ύ #TheLuhmannMap
πŸš€ Without Their Permission

((( dissent.is ))) #AskSocialwork



@sms2sms | stefan m. seydel/sms ;-)
@sms2sms | stefan m. seydel/sms ;-)

Written by @sms2sms | stefan m. seydel/sms ;-)

@sms2sms | #dfdu AG konstellatorische kommunikation | ex rebell.tv | dfdu.org | blog: dissent.is | vlog: WikiDienstag.ch | Q102014.xyz | #Xerocracy | #Commonism

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